When it comes to finding the ‘ideal’ job, determining your personality profile can go a long way in helping you achieve career satisfaction. Ultimately your career happiness lies in discovering who you are, and what drives you when it comes to work.

If you’re an INFJ, this infographic can help you to better understand your ‘core’, and careers that you are suited to.

Introversion | Intuition | Feeling | Judging
INFJs have a visionary grasp of human relationships and possibilities which can elevate and inspire others. At their core they have a gift for intuitively understanding complex meanings.

Statistics: they are a rare type at 2% of the general population.

Their personal values include spirituality, learning and community service. They are commonly found in careers in… counselling, teaching, the Arts.

INFJs are likely to be…
1. Creative, insightful & visionary.
2. Idealistic, complex & deep.

Career satisfaction means doing work that…
1. Lets them create new ideas for a variety of problems.
2. Lets them produce a product or service that they believe in and are proud of.

Career satisfaction means doing work that…
1. Is done in a tension-free environment where their ideas are respected. 
2. Is in harmony with their values.

Their work-related strengths include…
1. Integrity that inspires people to value their ideas. 
2. Decisiveness & strong organisational skills.
3. Creativity & ability to come up with original solutions.
4. Empathy & the ability to anticipate the needs of others.

Up next is ENFP.